A Bizarre Journey Roblox Wiki

Rainbow Dio's The World is one of the strongest stands in A Bizarre Journey

Rainbow Dio's The World


To obtain: Dio gem + The World = Dio's The World

Rainbow Dio gem + Dio's The World = Rainbow DTW

E - Kick/Punch Barrage

Like any other stand, RDTW does a Kick or Punch barrage of punches which deal 121.4 or 134.9 damage for the punch and always deal 149.8 damage for kick barrage.

R - Decently Strong Punch

RDTW throws one strong punch doing 167.5 damage

T - Kick

A kick that's broken.

F - Time Stop

This is currently broken. (now fixed)

G - Pose

A pose that plays a Bloody Stream remix

H - Snap

RDTW will snap his fingers and strikes its user with a beam. Dealing 50 damage.

Z - Stand Jump

Like most other stands, DTW launches himself and its user into the air

C - Roll

Just a normal roll.

V - Teleport

Teleports to your cursor but it has a range limit.

Y - Heal punch

RDTW will punch the person in front of the user and healing them for 50 health.

B+Y- Self heal

RDTW heals its user for 50 health.

[Originally Written by Not Zen]

[Rewritten by TTV-Stoqid]

[Changed to DTW style by BruhICantfindanyotherusernames]
