A Bizarre Journey Roblox Wiki

Please Don't Delete Other People's Things[]

all of you in this wiki can say your ideas in this page.

arrayya-star platinum nitro requiem how to get boost the discord server just fanmade nitro spec

E- NITRO REQUIem BARRAGE does 1607 dmg if full barrage


T-korega nitro requiem basicly return to zero but nothing can bypass it

F-YAMEROO puches the ene,y with rage and sadness does 900 dmg

H- ground nitro slam oh ho boy basic ground slam does 100 dmg

X change mode hold for block i like boys lol


R-ORA does 500 dmg

T-star requiem nitro finger does 999999999999999999 dmg cause it broken

F-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA does a time stop very loud

H-yaru time to unsewat beatdown does beatdown it does inf dmg stops the beatdown until enemy dead

j-RAGING FIST is shadow jsp r but does 500 dmg each hit

arraya- star platinum over heaven requiem galaxy jotaro ova over the universe tourney evil spirit shadow flushed platinum how to get win on a tournament


haahah jajajajaj ez when block nothing can bypass it like retro oh and rs pr block

scince is a tournament stando it have inf health and nothing can kill it


lmb normal punch does inf dmg

E star platinum over heaven requiem galaxy jotaro ova over the universe tourney evil spirit shadow flushed platinum barrage does inf dmg

R star platinum over heaven requiem galaxy jotaro ova over the universe tourney evil spirit shadow flushed platinum strong puch does 999999999999999999 dmg

T star finger probally broken

Y star platinum over heaven requiem galaxy jotaro ova over the universe tourney evil spirit shadow flushed platinum iggy throw does inf dmg

F- does a timestop that can be abused with no cooldown and the time stop is permanent if ever abuse he get ban

V- teleport no cooldown

C- no cooldown

Z- no cooldown

Arraya-sudden changes sans how to get use sudden changes gun at sans


right click gaster blaster left click gun shots

E- triple gun shots

R-gun smash

T-gaster blaster gunshot combo

Y-imma take a mug of coffee heals and make your stamina full

F- GASTER BLASTER gun shot showdown

Phase 2 imma build a giant robot thingy

lmb- double minigun shots

E- gaster blaster maniac

R- gun showdown

F- special attack hey kiddo i'm gonna dunk u so hard

Arraya-glicthtale sans how to get use true determination soul at sans

lmb-normal gaster blaster

E-gaster blaster barrage

R-soul manipulation

T-circle of gaster blaster

F-mega gaster blaster showdown

v- bone gatling

x- change mode


no lmb

E- bone dunk

R- gaster blaster fused with determination can bypass r s p r blcok and retro

t- bone slam

F-suprise blaster blaster come out in the ground and shoot a player auto aim

J-last attack can be used at low stamina sneds out 1000000 DETERMINATION mega gaster blaster after this attack this auto aim ane kills even the dummy's and also after u use this attack u become to dust and die

Arraya- swapfell Papyrus custom spec for some people

Passive to tencious to die from a small child after getting hit by chara swapfell papyrus still has health

the angry skeleton if got hit it miss true dmg cant bypass

MOVESET- lmb bone barrage odes insane amount of dmg

E-soul box traps ur enemy in a soul box

R- blitz of bones basically same of lmb bone but more bigger and more dmg and hitbox to

T soul manipulation same as sans r

F special attack when u use this attack u can hear the theme of the spec pose if the player to late to run he ded

G- pose when phase 1 dissension when phase 2 it plays HYPERMANIAC

phase 2 when get hit

Lmb- spike bones barrage and blitz of bones and some gaster blaster is one shot your out


R-soul manipulation last breath sends u flying changing direction with dmg

Arraya-Dusttrust sans how to get use blueberry corrupt soul on normal sans

Passive - it has 4 phase

hm keep missing kiddo

right click- there are still a last spark of trust on ya kiddo heals the enemy for 50 health

left click- hehehe kiddo i can take more than a slash now heals the user for 100 health

E- blaster barrage is sends out INSANE AMOUT OF DMg

R soul minipualation

t- bone barrage

F mega special attack one shots if all landed]

phase 2 u think ur strong enough to kill me in one hit? and it starts

lmb- sans doesnt belive in u no longer it bone barrrage

E- bone BONK that does 1000 dmg

R- sword slash can be blue or orange color and purple

T- pure insanity special attack for phase 2 i was gonna tell how long this special attack is but i figured that would be 90 hours so imma say it insta kills every stand or spec

phase-3 inside sans soul there is something resonating

passive-papyrus assistance and alphys assistance

E help me brother papyrus take the lead for sans basicly ur character goes to dusttrust and to dustswap papyrus

R-DOUBLE MAD TIME dust swap papyrus and dusttrust both throw theyre special attack

T- alphys assistance u become alphys and spear throws and stuff

F- mad time special alphys and dustswap do they're special attack same with dusttrust

phase 4 i guess i have to do it my way dust trust sans use all the 6 human soul

E-soul axe dust trust sans create a soul axe and shoots it at the enemy

R- soul breaker A VERY GIANT GASTER BLASTER with soul power it can kill anything does true dmg

T-thunder drop dust trust summons thunder taht does true dmg

F-FINAL ATTAcK SOUL POWER sends a giant beam from dust trust chest and kil anything true dmg bypasses rainbow s p r block and retro oh block

-arraya GLICTHTALE Frisk how to get use true determination soul on frisk

passives 1. has other phase 2. angry boi does more dmg when low health


lmb- determination slashes can combo with e

E- determination slash projectile

R- STRONG SLASh can combo with f

T- shield block conducts most dmg

F-explosion determination slash

next phase when get ded

LOVE phase 2

lmb same with phase one

E-same but more dmg and more projectile

R- same with phase 1 but more dmg

T- same with phase 1

F- same with phase 1 but more dmg

B-strike of a lightning does big dmg strong slash but teleports they're way out not walk basically like soulshatters gt frisk 5

V- teleports

F+G determination UNLEASHED frisk sword sticks to the ground while the ground is explosion ka boom does true dmg and big dmg

Gay Fish 2 :Duolingo Star Platinum Stand /SSS Like Admin Tier Stand But Stronger Tier (Very Op Lmao Deserves the long spawn chance)

How to get you can get a duolingo feather that is green you can get it in a chance of 1/10000 5 hours and 30 minutes spawn chance , Must get spanish man(from spanish book) andneed to be standless to use the book to use with Duolingo feather green to get this stand


E Feather barage : Deals 1000 Dmg per sec

R Spanish book punch Deals knockback and 100000 dmg

Click LMB Scream at person : Makes player enemy screen white for 1 minute and deals 100 Dmg

F: Mega scream : Makes enemy white screen for 10 minutes and deals 5000 dmg

T Angry bird goes BRR Everytime someones attack the user with this stand they deal no dmg and deals back to the attacker inf dmg

R : Times stop for 50 mins R Again to resume time stop

G Duolingo song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0Ncawy2LJc&ab_channel=surrealentertainment

Passive :

- Give you 10000 HP

- Moves fast like Hyper Sonic

-Nothing can ts you

- Admin stands deals less dmg to you

- Unob deals less dmg to you

End of stand ^


dust sans how to obtain find an npc of Ghost papyrus he will give a quest to kill 100 *ppl gonna say that u are rking tho* players in public server after your done with the quest talk to ghost papyrus with sans and done u get dust sans


E-dust barrage normal sans barrage but more op

R-soul manipulation same as normal sans but only can be used at low health or low stamina it does a barrage of telekinesis throwing u up down side right left up down left down right down and stop

click-LMB gaster blaster that is op

F-mega gaster blaster

T-change mode to dust mode

E-asgore trident

R-papyrus blue bone

T-undyne spear throw

F- gaster hands can only be used when low stamina does a little cutscene when dust sans kills gaster and got his LOVE dust sans uses his hands to insta kill only one life


also another rule don't steal ideas or grief

don't think this is real on game this IS only fanmade

True star platinum how to obtain do jotaro quest

E-barrage basicly does true dmg can kill sans

R- strong punch does true dmg can kill sans

T -STAR FINGER does true dmg can kill sans

Y-iggy is gonna be thrown does to dmg can kill sans

V-SUCC is like abd m true star platinum succ

F-time stop

z-change mode to no stand mode

e strong kick

R strong punch that does good knockback

T-throws bomb dmg is like megumin EXPLOSION

F-RAGE MODE only low health

E- kick+ strong barrage so first it does kakoyin beatdown kick and strong punch

R-Double punch strong punch and does punch

Y-star finger+charged strong punch

F- star beatdown does beatdown that does nice dmg

Passives true healing it heals due time


True Experience Over Heaven


Passive 1: Immune To TS

Can Move in Ts

Passive 2:Bit Fast: A little bit more speed due to over heaven's Power


E-Barrage: Sends 100 DMG And at the end of barrage flings people

H-Ground Slam: True Experience Over Heaven Does A Big Slam Sending them to Heaven

F-Instant Heal: Heals Everyone

U-Heals You

Z-Jump: Infinitee jump and no cooldown(due to over heaven's power)

G-Poses: Plays Dorime

Y-Kick: Does 230 DMG

U-P:Nuke: True Experience Over Heaven Goes To Space And Brings A Nuke Cleansing Sins

Made By Cylxes(True Experience Over Heaven)

burger stand

(how to obtain : use big mac on sprite stand)

moveset :

E - fast food barrage : deals 100-210 damage [no cooldown]

R - salad is bad : deals 362 damage [cooldown : 1 minutes]

T - your diet does nothing : deals 90-180 damages (can counter blocks and dodges) [cooldown : 2 seconds (aka spammable)]

F - aye stop damaging me : burger stand does 5 minute long ts [cooldown : 30 seconds]

B+Y - its burger time : burger stand does barrage heal to the stand user, deals 200 heal damage [cooldown : 1 second]

Y - let me patch you up : burger stand heals other player infront of the stand user, the damage is same like B+Y move [cooldown : 1 second]

H - RETURN TO ASSAULTER : burger stand does RTZ, deals 20000 damage whoever attack the stand user

C - roll/dodge : the stand and player does roll [spammable]

V - get grubhub'ed : throws knive (donut) [spammable]

G - we call this a victory pose : the player and the stand does pose (music : idk, maybe someone can edit a good music theme for the pose)

Passive 1 : imagine trying to ts LOL (immune to ts)

Passive 2 : jevil? more like cannot counter block (jevil cant counter burger stand's block)

Passive 3 : why unobtainable deal less damage to me (unobtainable deal less damage to the stand user)

- burger stand idea made by roboxowner3245(A.K.A pigsmoon)

Moon Za warudo (The world)

How to obtain

Use crescent moon on The World : Over Heaven

Crescent moon spawns every 2 hours and 28 minutes with a 3/2701 chance.


(Passive A) You can make it become night time, where your health and damage increases.

(Passive B) ZA WARUDO! You can timestop, and you are immune to any timestop unless it's another rainbow stand user.

(Passive C) !! You have higher walkspeed;enough to dodge a counterattack.


E - Moonshine MUDA barrage | You unleash a DEVASTATING barrage. It does 407.3 damage at daytime, and at night time, it does 7003.2 damage (per punch).

R - Moonshine Shadowcut | You uppercut the opponent. It does 402 damage at daytime, and 7016 damage at night time.

T - SHINEI! You put your cursor on the opponent and you timestop and teleport behind him. Then, the stand does a moonshine shadowcut, and a kick. This combo does 703.2 no matter what time of day.

Y - You do a menacing pose, then a beam of darkness comes around you. This temporarily stuns players as well as heals you. (heal;150,damage,670)

F - ZA WARUDO! OVER HEAVEN! | You do an animation, then stop time for 10000000000000 seconds.

H - Hmph. | Moon the world punches the ground and sends a dark beam out from below. This stuns your opponent. Does 3610.5 damage.

J - WRYYYYY! | You shoot two purple and black eyebeams. Does 1500 damage each beam.

Z - YOU FOOL! | You do a high stand jump.

X - !! | Your stand does a block reducing damage to 0.

C - I have to... | You do a roll.

V - Knife throw | throws a black knife dealing 750 damage.

B - THIS IS THE GREATEST HIGH! | You reach your hand out and stab your fingers into the opponents neck. This heals you.

Made by A username no one else deserves.

Demonic The world:to get it use Satan diary on The world over

E Satan barrge: Demonic the world barrge does 100 damge and 140 for critical

R Devil strong puch s:Demonic the world strong puch does 120 damge

T Devil overwrite:Demonic the world charges a strong puch that that does 175 damge

y demonic healother:Demonic heals other for 45

B+Y Demonic self heal:Angel platinum self heal does 60 heals

G-pose:music lasting promise

F-Devil time stop:Demonic the world time stop for 10 seconds

Glitchtale gaster (hp: 999)

How to get:use Glitched gaster blaster on gaster

Click:Perseverance beam(spammable)

You shoot a purple beam that deals 300 dmg

E:justice bullet:sends 10 justice bullets on where your the cursor at deals 50 dmg per hit

R :Patience string:You throw blue string at where your cursor at and bring your opponent infront of you deals no dmg

T:7 hand determination beam: you shoot a 7handed beam at your cursor deals 1000 damage

Y:heal:Heals someone infront of you that heals 200 hp

B+y:Heals you 900 hp

H:Big gaster blaster spawn:You spawn a big gaster blaster at your cursor that deals 1500 damage

J:integrity saw:You shoot 3 integrity saws that chase opponent deals 100 damage per hit (the saws last long 10 seconds)

X:kindness shield:You make a shield that makes you deals no damage that wont last long

F :Then. Its my turn:You pull 2 big hands and 1 giant gaster blaster you can only use this when your hp is low

E (with awakening mode):2 big handed determination beam:You shoot a Beams from your 2, big hands dealing 3000 damage

R(with awakening mode) homing Big integrity saw:You shoot 2 big saws that chases the nearest opponent dealing 200 damage per hit(Saws last long 1 minutes)

T(with Awakening mode):Justice big bullet: You shoot 15 big bullets (Each Bullets deals 300 damage)

F (with awakening mode) :Giant Gaster Blaster Blast:You shoot a giant beam where your cursor at insta kills anyone touched(also when you used this you die instantly)

G:pose music:Dark.. darker... yet darker..

C:Dash forward 4 studs infront of you

V:teleport that has infinity range where your cursor at

Passive:Can move in ts

Passive 2:have a auto heals

Passive3:Your health goes 1500 if you're on awakening mode


Note:glitched gaster blaster spawns every 1.5hours with 1/9 chance spawning

feet (1344 hp)

how to get:spawns every 5 hours and 33 minutes with a 26/53 chance

must use on star platinum over heaven

E: kick barrage (does 376 to 423 damage) (cooldown:10 seconds)

R:bruh kick (does a bruh sound when gets used that deals 450 damage) (cooldown: 0 seconds)

T:shoot a beam that drops a fake feet item that instant kills

Y:heals others (100 health per punch) (cooldown:5 seconds)

B+Y:heals self for 100 (cooldown:5 seconds)

G:(taunts) (music:smile by slynk)

F:timestop 20 seconds (cooldown: 20 seconds)

V:teleport to only 6 - 69 studs (cooldown:10 seconds)


H:go high up the ground and stomp the person that deals 999 damage (cooldown:60 seconds)

made by myuniquenamesisthis

Sans With A Gun

E:Shoots A Bullet Dealing 567 Dmg (Cooldown:3 seconds)

R: A Bone Is Shot Dealing 789 Dmg (Cooldown:14 seconds)

T: Shoots A Gaster Blaster Dealing 10 Dmg Per Hit (Cooldown: 26 seconds)

Y: Heals Yourself 60 Health (Cooldown:30 seconds)

F: Shoots Rapid Fire Bones For 10 secconds (Cooldown:60 seconds)


N: Says "How Days U"

Made by: seanspeedzone

Dawn Of the Holy Milk[]

"There was A Bottle Of Milk Blessed By The Heavens And Now It Is Mine!"

Appearance: A White Cloak On The Player[]

Q: User Creates a Ball Of Energy And Fires It Dealing 9 Dmg Per Second[]

E: User Charges If Any are Hit Them Are Barraged[]

R: User Throws a Punch That Deals 190 Dmg[]

T: User Throws a Milk Bottle If It Hits Somebody They Get Poisoned[]

Y: User Gives A Milk Bottle To another Player (a gui thing) And They Heal 230 Dmg[]

B + Y: User Drinks Milk Healing 230 Dmg[]

G: The User Grows Wings and Floats In The Air[]

Z: User Flies With Wings[]

C: User Rolls[]


Speed: Grand(60 studs per minute)

Dmg: Milk

Defense: Holy (790 health)


Sakuya Izayoi (rework)[]

S+ tier

clock on standless

Passive A: Time is mine!: you can walk in ANY TS except another sakuya's

Passive B: maid: you are speed and you have a maid outfit

LMB: you throw 3 knives, 25-45 damage

speed:The Perfect

destructive power: And Elegant

Defense: Maid (300 health)

Q- switch modes

--knife mode--[]

E- you jump up and throw 15 knives, each dealing 50-100 damage

R- you jump up and throw 3 sets of 25 knives, each dealing 100-150 damage

T- you throw 3 sets of 15 knives, each dealing 250-400 damage

y- you heal 100 health

F- you jump up, stop time and throw 200 knives, each dealing 100-500 damage

H- you throw 25 knives around you

G- you do either https://youtu.be/epg_uZDHuAY?t=87's pose or https://youtu.be/epg_uZDHuAY?t=101's and play either lunar dial or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wAFdldgrWo, a epic pose.

Z- you jump into the air, spammable

X- a blue, translucent shield appears infront of you, same Op block that RSPR has

C- spammable roll

V- teleport to your mouse

B- stop time, and your speed increases

--time mode--[]

E- you throw a pocket watch, if it hits somebody time stops for 6 seconds, nobody can move except you

R- you slow down time for everybody else on the server except you

T- you speed up time for everybody except you

Y- you heal 250 health, longer cooldown

F- you stop time for 20 seconds

H- Clock Corpse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kco-C3M_k7U

G- same as knife mode pose

Z- see knife mode

X- see knife mode

C- see knife mode

V- see knife mode

B- see knife mode

by cloakthejoke

Mastered Alternate Universe Sans[]

"*Sans Talking*" - Sans

How To Obtain:

Weird Hat Man + Dragon Ball =

Have Masters Ultra Instinct Then Talk to the "AU Master" a new NPC and have these items Bone + Delta Bone + X-Bone + Last Shard + Swapped Bone + Dusty Bone + Glitched Bone + Error Bone + Ink Bone = Mastered Alternate Universe Sans


Strength: SSS+

Speed: SSS+

Defense: C+

Stamina: 1000/1000 (Bad Time Stamina: 2000/2000)

HP: 90/90 (Bad Time HP: 200/200)


Q - Swap || Mastered Alternate Universe Sans can become other AU's of sans || 40 Seconds

Click - Gaster Blaster || If someone hits it, it does 80 damage per ~ millisecond || 30 Seconds

E - 3 Punch Barrage || does 450 per hit || 5 Seconds

R - Aggressive Punch || does 500 damage (CD 530-550) ||10 Seconds

T - Fling || 90 Damage and a Fling up in the air || 15 Seconds

Y - Heal Barrage || Heals 90 HP, Infinite Barrage || 6 Seconds

F - Huge Gaster Blaster || Bigger Range Than Gaster Blaster, Also does 100-120 Per ~ Millisecond. ||100 Seconds

G - Pose || Music 1/9: Sans Music 2/9: Delta Sans Music 3/9: X-Sans Music 4/9: Last Breath Sans (Phase 3) Music 5/9: Underswap Sans Music 6/9: Dusttale Sans Music 7/9: Glitch!Sans M̗̩̐̄u͔͆si̻̕c͔͚̏͘ ͍̳̍̿8̪̻̏͝/̮̬̝͍̅̑́͘9̨͍̻̰̳̋̀͂̌͠: Error Sans Music 9/9: Ink Sans || 1 Second

J - Bad Time || Speed 2x, Range 3x, Attack 5x, Can Dodge anything Even Megumin's Explosion Spell, New Moves. || 200 Seconds

Bad Time Sans

How to use:

Press J on Sans Mode of Mastered Alternate Universe Sans.



Speed: HAVE A

Defense: BAD TIME

Stamina: 2000/2000

HP: 200/200


Click - Large Gaster Blasters || Longer Range than Normal Gaster Blasters and they do 80 damage every ~ millisecond || 30 Seconds

E - Infinite Barrage || does 300 Damage Per hit.

R - Distrust || 2 people in an area are sent underground, Sans will make sure that they cannot survive the fall making this an instant kill || 60 Seconds

T - Gravity Control || 185 damage and you control your enemies gravity best combo with this is T + F since the Blaster is insane || 20 Seconds

Y - Sins Crawling Up Your Back || Sans will remind the enemy of bad things they have done, they will take 2 damage per 2 seconds as long as you're alive.

F - Neo Gaster Blaster || Unfair Range, Instant Kill || 90 Seconds

True Bravery Delta!Sans

How to use: J on Delta Sans Mode.


Attack: 120

Speed: SSS+

Defense: 240

Stamina: 1900/1900

HP: 135


Click - LARGE Orange Gaster Blaster || Basically Death || 200 Seconds

E - Punches you 100 Times || The name explains it, each punch does 800 Damage

R - 68 Bones || Puts 68 Bones around him so you basically cannot attack him, the bones do 20 damage then they disappear.

T - Air Combo || You knock the opponent into the air for 20 seconds, you can do any combo to them.

Y - Brave Heal || 11 Health Restored, All Stamina is restored as well.

F - I guess its time for my special Attack... || You cannot move you can only jump, You have to avoid gaster blasters, Bones, and many other things

Z - Blaster Jetpack || Delta!Sans summons a Gaster Blaster mouth on his back, then it fires a short orange beam behind him, propelling him forward. If anyone is under the person they may take damage (110-245 Damage at most)

X - Guard || Delta!Sans crosses his arms in front of him, ready to block incoming attacks.

Souless XSans


Attack: ?

Defense: ?

Speed: ?

Passive: "I REFUSE TO DIE" When you die you get another chance and you are invisible for the amount of time it takes jevil to reappear.

E - BLASTERS BLASTERS BLASTERS… || Shoots about 50 Gaster Blasters with unfair range || 60 Seconds

R - Execution || Does 999 Damage to the closest person. || 200 Seconds

T - Hack || The Person affected will be slowly hacked making their attacks and movements weaker and slower. || 45 Seconds

Y - Equality || XChara Will help you fight (RESKIN OF A SHEER HEART ATTACK BUT WITH WAY MORE HEALTH) || 100 Seconds

F - Overwrite || In a Small Space it does Infinite Damage, Bypasses all stands/spec except for Mastered Alternate Universe Sans.

Z - Blaster Ride || Rides a Gaster Blaster, does 72 damage if someone gets hit by the blaster.

X - NOPE || No Stamina or HP is lost from this block.

Underswap Sans




Speed: SSSSSS+++++

Stamina: 9000/9000

Health: 400/400


E - BIG BONES! || 7 Big Bones are spawned to do 75 damage || 0.5-ish Seconds

R - Gaster Blasters || Spawns 7 Gaster Blasters to do 80 Damage per milliseconds || 2 seconds

T - Unblasters || a Gaster Blaster That Heals 17 +HP to any entities.

Y - YOU ARE A GOOD PERSON I HAVE TO BELIVIVE IN YOU! || Heals all of the enemies health and leaves you with 1 HP but if the enemy attacks you you'll go into Bad Time Mode.

F - Uncontrollable Blasters || The Gaster Blasters Will target anyone around you killing them.

Bad Time Underswap Sans

How to work it:

Now this is different from the other ones, you have to use Y on Underswap Sans and If someone hits you you'll go into Bad Time Mode.


Attack: SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS+++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Defense: SS++

Speed: Too Fast


E - BONES BONES BONES || Infinite Amounts of bones come out, They do 95 Damage.

R - Goodbye Blasters || A Line of Gaster Blasters are around you they'll kill anyone 5 feet away from you.

T - ...Sorry but now I cannot trust you! || Shoots random objects at you making you die in 2-5 hits.

Y - Insanity || Every Single part of the map comes magnetizing to you, the map turns into a barren wasteland but you have infinite energy from all the stuff you absorbed.

F - This World IS MINE! || You can explode the whole map doing normal megumin's explosion damage.

Z - Run Away || Instead of riding a gaster blaster he Joseph Runs, this run can get you circling the map 2 times.

X - Take a break || He Starts Chilling regaining health and Stamina, also it blocks people from damaging you.

Dusttale Sans...


Attack: Dangerously High

Defense: SSS+++

Speed: Very High

E- SAVE Point Destruction || Temporarily Makes one person standless (WARNING DO NOT USE ARROW OR YOU WILLNOT GET YOUR STAND BACK)

R - Asgore's Trident || Sans Stole Asgore's Trident, 7 Swipes each Swipe does 666 Damage.

T - Friendliness Pellets || shoots about 100 Pellets each doing 666 damage

Y - Fire Magic || Shoots Fire at the enemy burning them, If they don't die from fire damage they die of the after effect which is 666 damage happening to the enemy.

F - Bone and Gaster Blaster Attack || Shoots 7 Gaster Blasters doing 666 damage per millisecond and 19 bones doing 666 damage per hit.

Z - Burrow || you go under the ground going at the top speed in the game, nothing can catch you.

X - Magic Shield - Blocks all damage.


How to use:

Its Unknown, Even If you try pressing the Glitch!Sans Mode It'll not work.


Attack: Unknown

Defense: Unknown

Speed: Unknown amounts of fast.

Any Button - ??? || Does a random move | 2-200 Seconds

K or V - Universe Destroyer || Does 999,999,999,999,999,999,999 Damage to every entity infinitely.


How to use:

Type "Error" on your mode select screen


Attack: e̠͚̠͙̪͙̤͇̮̫͑́̐̀̃̈̇̋̀̕͢͝ŗ̛͇̮̜̺̫͚̥̯̗͎̱͙͓̭̼̂͆̾͛̈́̏͐̾̎̀̍͛̿̚͟͠͞r̨̨̧̛̪͍̳͙̞̺̮̮̳͇̟̳͖͔̥̈́͂̄̀̄̀̅̋̓͛͂̌̅̄̋̌̊̂͘͟͢͡ͅo̻̼͓͙͎̤͚̯͔̙̤̪͓͙̤͎͎̜͔͓̗̔͆̄̓́̌͊̈͗̋̀̅͊̆̿̈́̊̒̄̍͘̚͢͢͟͜͝͝r̡̠̺̰̖̼͍̜̙̭͛́̈́̇̓̊̀̋̌͟͠

Defense: e̠͚̠͙̪͙̤͇̮̫͑́̐̀̃̈̇̋̀̕͢͝ŗ̛͇̮̜̺̫͚̥̯̗͎̱͙͓̭̼̂͆̾͛̈́̏͐̾̎̀̍͛̿̚͟͠͞r̨̨̧̛̪͍̳͙̞̺̮̮̳͇̟̳͖͔̥̈́͂̄̀̄̀̅̋̓͛͂̌̅̄̋̌̊̂͘͟͢͡ͅo̻̼͓͙͎̤͚̯͔̙̤̪͓͙̤͎͎̜͔͓̗̔͆̄̓́̌͊̈͗̋̀̅͊̆̿̈́̊̒̄̍͘̚͢͢͟͜͝͝r̡̠̺̰̖̼͍̜̙̭͛́̈́̇̓̊̀̋̌͟͠

Speed: e̠͚̠͙̪͙̤͇̮̫͑́̐̀̃̈̇̋̀̕͢͝ŗ̛͇̮̜̺̫͚̥̯̗͎̱͙͓̭̼̂͆̾͛̈́̏͐̾̎̀̍͛̿̚͟͠͞r̨̨̧̛̪͍̳͙̞̺̮̮̳͇̟̳͖͔̥̈́͂̄̀̄̀̅̋̓͛͂̌̅̄̋̌̊̂͘͟͢͡ͅo̻̼͓͙͎̤͚̯͔̙̤̪͓͙̤͎͎̜͔͓̗̔͆̄̓́̌͊̈͗̋̀̅͊̆̿̈́̊̒̄̍͘̚͢͢͟͜͝͝r̡̠̺̰̖̼͍̜̙̭͛́̈́̇̓̊̀̋̌͟͠

E, R, T, Y, F, Z, X, J - e̠͚̠͙̪͙̤͇̮̫͑́̐̀̃̈̇̋̀̕͢͝ŗ̛͇̮̜̺̫͚̥̯̗͎̱͙͓̭̼̂͆̾͛̈́̏͐̾̎̀̍͛̿̚͟͠͞r̨̨̧̛̪͍̳͙̞̺̮̮̳͇̟̳͖͔̥̈́͂̄̀̄̀̅̋̓͛͂̌̅̄̋̌̊̂͘͟͢͡ͅo̻̼͓͙͎̤͚̯͔̙̤̪͓͙̤͎͎̜͔͓̗̔͆̄̓́̌͊̈͗̋̀̅͊̆̿̈́̊̒̄̍͘̚͢͢͟͜͝͝r̡̠̺̰̖̼͍̜̙̭͛́̈́̇̓̊̀̋̌͟͠ delete.AU || Deletes peoples stands, the only way to stop this is to leave the game

Yes This guy only has one move.

Ink Sans

How to use:

Pick The Ink Sans mode in your mode select.


Attack: D+

Defense: S+

Speed: SS+

Passive : Immunity to Soul Manipulation: Due to lacking a soul, he can't by controlled.


Click - Ink Blaster || Normal Ink Blaster, does 12 Damage per millisecond. ||20 Seconds

E - Draw || Player Can Draw Anything Using Broomie To Fight For Him. || 2 Per Drawing

R - Small Ink Blaster || Basically A less powerful Ink Blaster, Less Powerful then a Gaster Blaster doing 9 Damage Per Millisecond. ||10 Seconds

T - Ink Splash || Splashes Ink in enemies Eyes making them not able to see for 8 seconds. ||28 Seconds

Y - Heal || You can Heal anyone to full health || 3 Seconds

F - Larger Ink Blasters || A More Powerful Ink Blaster, Doing 15 damage per millisecond || 30 seconds

Z - Ink Teleport || Ink!Sans can appear everywhere of his liking from any kind of liquid. He uses them as Ink portals.

-Credit to FiowmotionYT on roblox

Admin Gaster

To be continued
